In the Press
The Student Experience Amidst COVID
- Emotional & Mental Health
- Learning Through COVID-19
- Obstacles to Learning
- Social & Emotional Learning
In response to a lack of firsthand data about how students were faring during the COVID-19 pandemic, YouthTruth launched the Students Weigh In project.

In response to a lack of firsthand data about how students were faring during the COVID-19 pandemic, YouthTruth launched the Students Weigh In project. This series of reports draws upon data from over 500,000 secondary students across four time periods (spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021, and the 2022-23 school year) relative to the student experience prior to COVID-19. Our most recent report in our Students Weigh In series, Students Weigh In Part IV, received national coverage.
From EducationWeek:
Students Say Depression, Anxiety Are Holding Them Back. But They Can’t Find Help at School