Check out our latest research report on Youth Civic Empowerment:


YouthTruth surveys provide a cost‐effective, rigorous, and meaningful way to hear from and understand youth and community perceptions of your school. YouthTruth’s elementary, middle, and high school surveys are the cornerstone of every YouthTruth partnership. Together with family and staff surveys, they give you a comprehensive suite of tools that can be used to jumpstart a district-wide culture of learning from feedback. 

We display your survey results in easy-to-use, interactive, online reports. These reports deliver crucial insights:

  • Benchmarks against a robust national data set, including comparisons to your district, state, and other school types.
  • Progress over time using diverse metrics to help identify equity gaps in your students’ experiences, such as grade level, gender identity, and race/ethnicity.

But wait, how do I break it down?

Discover how YouthTruth’s online reporting system makes it easy to explore your data with an equity lens.

Take a Look!

And how is comparative data important anyhow?

See how YouthTruth’s online reporting system reveals patterns and differences through comparative data analysis.

Take a Look!
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Our school challenges have sometimes been dismissed with ‘well, that’s just education’ responses, so seeing ourselves in comparison to a national dataset has allowed us to celebrate what we do well and identify areas for growth that we do have control over.

Julie Kallio, Lead Researcher, Breck School, Minnesota

The data the YouthTruth survey provides is indispensable in the… work of our district. Most importantly, the human experience in our schools is measurably better as a result of our work with YouthTruth.

Erica Mazzeo, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Portland, OR

YouthTruth has provided the district an opportunity to look at data from our educational partners and meet the needs of our students, staff and families.

Debbie Lopez, Chief Academic Officer, Southern, CA