School Safety & Bullying


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  • Guidebook

    Learning From Student Voice: Bullying Today

    The findings of this report on bullying in U.S. schools is based on feedback from over 160,000 students across 27 states reveals a troubling increase in bullying, particularly in majority-white schools where students of color have experienced a steeper rise in incidents than their white peers. Middle school students report significantly higher rates of bullying than high school students, and students most often attribute bullying to their appearance, race, or perceived sexual orientation. The report offers resources and discussion questions to help educators and school leaders address bullying effectively.

Learning During the Pandemic

In response to a stark lack of firsthand data about how students were faring during the COVID-19 pandemic, YouthTruth launched the Students Weigh In project in spring 2020. This series of reports draws upon data from over 500,000 secondary students across more than 600 schools and tracks how secondary students’ perceptions of learning and well-evolved across four time periods (spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021, and the 2022-23 school year) relative to the student experience prior to COVID-19.

Students Weigh In Series